{{hasPromoCode = false}}

TravelRight JOM

Get Started

Please make sure you meet the following conditions:

  1. This insurance is for travellers to Malaysia from abroad.
  2. The trip that you wish to insure is within Malaysia only.
  3. The maximum period per journey is 90 days.
  4. You are between {{productMinAge}} and {{productMaxAge}} years old.
  5. You and your family members to be insured are NOT:
    1. Malaysian Citizens; or
    2. Malaysian Permanent Residents; or
    3. Travelling to Malaysia for the purpose of employment or study or long term stay in Malaysia.

Please contact us here for your insurance application if:


You are above {{productMaxAge}} years old; OR


You are purchasing travel insurance only for your child (below {{productMinAge}} years old).

Please click here to check entry requirements in Malaysia. As these requirements may change from time to time, you are advised to check and follow the guidelines and procedures imposed by the Government of Malaysia before you make your travel plans.

Please enter the details of Insured Person

* Complete the Passport No field.
* Complete the Country field.
* Complete the date field. * Main policyholder age must be between 18 and 80 Years.
* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed.
* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed.
If you and your family members to be insured are currently residing / working in Malaysia, you may consider our TravelRight Domestic (Inbound) Insurance which provide a worry-free journey while travelling to destinations within Malaysia

Type of Plan

* Please Choose a Coverage Plan.

Period of Coverage

Date of Arrival in Malaysia:

* Complete the Date of Arrival in Malaysia. * Policy Date of Arrival in Malaysia must be starting from today.

Date of Departure from Malaysia:

* Complete the Date of Departure from Malaysia.

Please Select Your Preferred Plan

* Please Choose a Coverage Plan.

View the full benefits here.

Personal Details

* Complete the Country field.
* Complete the Name as per {{isIdNric ? "NRIC" : "Passport"}} field. * Please enter only alphabet, "-", "@", "/" and " ' " for Name. * Name cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Complete the Email field. * Please enter a valid email address. * Email cannot be greater than 50 characters.
* Complete the Mobile field. * Please check mobile number.


* Complete the Gender field.
* Complete the Address field. * Address field cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Address 2 field cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Complete the Postcode field. * Please enter a valid Postcode.

Family Member #{{index + 1}}

* Complete the Country field.
* Complete the Name as per {{member.nationality == 'Y' ? 'NRIC' : 'Passport'}} field. * Please enter only alphabet, "-", "@", "/" and " ' " for Name. * Member name cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Complete the Passport No field.
* Complete the NRIC field. * Please check NRIC number. * Spouse age must be between {{additionalCoverageSpouseMinAge}} and {{additionalCoverageSpouseMaxAge}} years. * Child age must be between {{additionalCoverageChildMinAge}} days and {{additionalCoverageChildMaxAge}} years.
* Complete the Date of Birth field. * Child age must be between {{additionalCoverageChildMinAge}} days and {{additionalCoverageChildMaxAge}} years. * Spouse age must be between {{additionalCoverageSpouseMinAge}} and {{additionalCoverageSpouseMaxAge}} years.


* Complete the Gender field.
You have chosen the {{formData['2'].typeOfPlan}}. Click the "Back" button if you would like to change to an individual plan.

Personal Details

Country (as per Passport):

{{ findCountryByCode(formData['4'].policyHolderCountry).name }}

Name (as per {{step4PassportOrNric}}):

{{ formData['4'].policyHolderName }}

{{step4PassportOrNric}} No.:

{{ formData['1'].policyHolderNric }}


{{ formData['4'].policyHolderEmail }}

Mobile No.:

{{ formData['4'].policyHolderMobileNo }}


{{ formData['4'].policyHolderGender == 'M' ? 'Male' : 'Female' }}

Date of Birth:

{{ displayDateFormat }}

Address/ Accommodation in Malaysia:

{{ fullAddress }}

Family Member #{{index + 1}}


{{member.nationality.toUpperCase() == 'Y' ? "Malaysian" : findCountryByCode(member.country).name }}




{{member.gender == 'M' ? 'Male' : 'Female'}}

MY.SHOP.COM Privileged Card ID

* Complete your Privileged Card ID. * Please enter at least 7 digits for your Privileged Card ID. * Please only enter a maximum of 10 digits for your Privileged Card ID.

Note: Please enter your Privileged Card ID number only.

Please Enter Your Sunway Pals Number (Optional)

* Please enter the 16 digits Sunway Pals Number. * Please enter the 16 digits Sunway Pals Number.

Note: Please enter your Privileged Card ID number only.

* Invalid promo code.


* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed.
* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed.


* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed.
* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed.


Payment Method:


* Please select a valid bank.

Note: You need to have an active internet banking account with any of the FPX performing banks to use FPX.

Email Address: (For transaction status)

* Complete the Email field. * Please enter a valid email address.

Credit / Debit Card:

* Please select a Credit/Debit Card provider.

Select Your Preferred E-Wallet:

* Please select an e-Wallet Provider.

By clicking "Pay Now" button, you agree to FPX's Terms & Conditions.


By clicking "Pay Now" button, you agree to FPX's Terms & Conditions.


Sorry, we are unable to proceed with your application online.

Error Code: TI{{TIEErrorCode}}


If you have any enquiries, you may contact our Customer Service Hotline at:



Or contact us through our

Online Enquiry Form


Operating Hours

Monday - Friday

9.00am - 5.00pm (excluding public holidays)

Monday - Friday

9.00am - 6.00pm (excluding public holidays)

Monday - Friday

9.00am - 6.15pm (excluding public holidays)

Monday - Friday

8.30am - 5.00pm (excluding public holidays)

Monday - Friday

8.30am - 5.30pm (excluding public holidays)