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TravelRight Plus Insurance
Covers Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement, Medical Expenses, Travel Cancellation, Travel Inconveniences and more.
Single Trip covers up to 185 days. Suitable for family holidays, honeymoons and business trips.
Annual Plan covers unlimited trips for a year, with each trip covered up to 90 days. Suitable for frequent holiday-goers or regular weekenders.
- Cruise Benefit.
- Alternative Transport Top Up.
- Covid-19 Benefit.

TravelRight Domestic (Inbound) Insurance
For Malaysian / foreigners currently residing in Malaysia.
Available on a per trip basis up to 31 days.
Covers Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement, Medical Expenses arising from injury due to accident, Personal Luggage & Personal Effects and Travel Delay.
Optional Coverage: COVID-19/Dengue Hospitalisation Allowance.

TravelRight JOM Insurance
For travellers to Malaysia from abroad (excluding Malaysian Citizens and Permanent Residents).
Coverage available for insured, insured and spouse, and family.
Travel & COVID-19 protection packaged into one insurance.
Choice of 2 plans at affordable premium are available to meet your leisure travelling needs.