
{{hasPromoCode = false}}

Insurans Kemalangan Diri Mini

Mari Bermula

Sila pastikan anda memenuhi syarat berikut:

  1. Anda berumur antara 16 hingga 65 tahun pada tarikh pendaftaran pertama.
  2. Anda adalah warganegara Malaysia, Pemastautin Tetap, Pemegang Permit Kerja/Pas Pekerjaan, atau yang bekerja secara sah di Malaysia.
  3. Anda boleh memilih tarikh kuat kuasa untuk polisi anda sehingga 1 bulan dari tarikh hari ini.

Sila masukkan butiran Orang Yang Diinsuranskan

* Complete the Country field.
* Complete the Passport No field.
* Complete the DOB field. * Main policyholder age must be between 16 and 65.
* Lengkapkan medan No.Kad Pengenalan. * Please check NRIC number. * Policyholder age must be between 16 and 65.
* Complete the Passport No field.
* Oops, nampaknya anda belum menanda kotak. Sila berbuat demikian untuk meneruskan pembelian.

Tempoh Perlindungan

Tarikh Mula :

* Complete the Start Date. * Policy start date must be within 60 days starting from today.

Tarikh Akhir :

Sila Pilih Pelan Pilihan Anda

Sila Pilih Pelan Pilihan Anda

* Please Choose a Coverage Plan.

MSIG Insurance (Malaysia) Bhd is a member of PIDM. Manfaat-manfaat yang dibayar di bawah produk yang layak adalah dilindungi oleh PIDM sehingga had perlindungan. Sila rujuk Brosur Sistem Perlindungan Manfaat Takaful dan Insurans PIDM atau hubungi MSIG Insurance (Malaysia) Bhd atau PIDM (layari www.pidm.gov.my).

Maklumat Peribadi

* Complete the Name as per NRIC field. * Please enter only alphabet, "-", "@", "/" and " ' " for Name. * Name cannot be greater than 50 characters.
* Complete the Email field. * Please enter a valid email address. * Email cannot be greater than 50 characters.
* Complete the Mobile field. * Please check mobile number.
* Complete the Address field. * Address field cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Address 2 field cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Complete the Postcode field. * Please enter a valid Postcode.

Maklumat Peribadi

* Complete the Country field.
* Complete the Name as per Passport field. * Please enter only alphabet, "-", "@", "/" and " ' " for Name. * Name cannot be greater than 50 characters.
* Complete the Email field. * Please enter a valid email address. * Email cannot be greater than 50 characters.
* Complete the Mobile field. * Please check mobile number.


* Complete the Gender field.
* Complete the Address field. * Address field cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Address 2 field cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Complete the Postcode field. * Please enter a valid Postcode.

Maklumat Peribadi

Country (as per Passport):

{{ findCountryByCode(formData['4'].policyHolderCountry).name }}

Nama (mengikut {{step4PassportOrNric}}):

{{ formData['4'].policyHolderName }}


{{ formData['1'].policyHolderNric }}


{{ formData['4'].policyHolderEmail }}


{{ formData['4'].policyHolderMobileNo }}


{{ formData['4'].policyHolderGender == 'M' ? 'Male' : 'Female' }}

Date Of Birth.:

{{ displayDateFormat }}

Alamat :

{{ fullAddress }}

* Invalid promo code.


* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed.
* Oops, nampaknya anda belum menanda kotak. Sila berbuat demikian untuk meneruskan pembelian.


* Oops, nampaknya anda belum menanda kotak. Sila berbuat demikian untuk meneruskan pembelian.
* Oops, nampaknya anda belum menanda kotak. Sila berbuat demikian untuk meneruskan pembelian.


Please note that Credit Card / Debit Card will be temporarily unavailable during these periods:

  • 2 February 2021 (Tuesday) 10.00pm to 10.30pm

Apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Please note that FPX will be temporarily unavailable during these periods:

  • 11 April 2021 (Sunday) 3am to 7am

Apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Please note that FPX will be temporarily unavailable during these periods:

  • 24 April 2021 (Saturday) 3am to 8am

Apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Please note that FPX will be temporarily unavailable during these periods:

  • 29 April 2021 (Thursday) 12am to 2am

Apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Please note that Credit Card / Debit Card will be temporarily unavailable during these periods:

  • 24 April 2021 (Saturday) 4.00pm to 25 April 2021 (Sunday) 8.30am

Apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Payment Method:


* Please select a valid bank.

Note: You need to have an active internet banking account with any of the FPX performing banks to use FPX.

Email Address: (For transaction status)

* Complete the Email field. * Please enter a valid email address.

Credit / Debit Card:

* Please select a Credit/Debit Card provider.

Select Your Preferred E-Wallet:

* Please select an e-Wallet Provider.

By clicking "Pay Now" button, you agree to FPX's Terms & Conditions.


By clicking "Bayar Sekarang" button, you agree to FPX's Terms & Conditions.


Sorry, we are unable to proceed with your application online.

Please download and fill out the application form here and submit it to us here.

Error Code: TI{{TIEErrorCode}}


If you have any enquiries, you may contact our Customer Service Hotline at:



Or contact us through our

Online Enquiry Form


Operating Hours

Monday - Friday

8.30am - 5.30pm (excluding public holidays)
