{{hasPromoCode = false}}

Pet Insurance

Please fill in your Staff ID:

* Complete the Staff ID field.
* Oops! We couldn't find the Staff ID you entered. Please enter a correct one to proceed.

This insurance plan is for:

* Complete the relationship field.

Get Started

Please make sure you meet the following conditions:

  1. You must be 18 years old or older at the time of application.
  2. Your pet must reside permanently with you at the address within Malaysia stated in the schedule whilst the policy is in force.
  3. Your pet must be a cat or dog; micro-chipped; duly licensed; not under banned or restricted breeds by the Government or Public or Local Authority and aged between twelve (12) weeks to nine (9) years.
For policy renewal:

Duration of cover is for one (1) year. It may be renewed on each anniversary of the date of inception of the policy by payment of the premium determined by the Company at the time of renewal.

Please enter the details of Insured Person

* Complete the NRIC field. Please check NRIC number Main policyholder age must be between {{productMinAge}} and {{productMaxAge}}.
* Complete the country field.
* Complete the Passport field.
* Complete the Passport field.
* Complete the date field. Main policyholder age must be between 16 and 65.
* Complete the gender field.
* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed

Question 1 of 5

Question 2 of 5

Question 3 of 5

Question 4 of 5

Question 5 of 5

Let's Check Your Pet's Eligibility

Please enter the details of your pet

Height (cm) :

* Complete the Height field.

Weight (kg) :

* Complete the Weight field.

Pet Body Condition:

* Complete the Pet Body Condition field.

Is your pet used for breeding, commercial, sporting, guarding and security or working purpose(s)?

* Complete Question 2.

Has your pet ever shown symptoms, been diagnosed with or received treatment for any injury or illness?

* Complete Question 3.

Does your pet suffer from any physical defect, infirmity or abnormality or congenital conditions?

* Complete Question 4.

Has your pet ever caused damage or injury to any third party, or does it have any aggressive or vicious tendency?

* Complete Question 5.

Type of Pet

* Complete this field.

Period of Coverage

Start Date:

* Complete the Start Date.

End Date:

Please Select Your Preferred Plan

* Please Choose a Coverage Plan.

Personal Details

* Complete the Country field.
* Complete the Name as per {{isIdNric ? "NRIC" : "Passport"}} field. * Please enter only alphabet, "-", "@", "/" and " ' " for Name Member name cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Complete the Email field. * Please enter a valid email address.
* Complete the Mobile field. * Please check mobile number.


* Complete the Gender field.
* Complete the Address field.
* Complete the Postcode field. * Please enter a valid Postcode.

Pet Details

* Complete the Type of Pet field.
* Complete the Breed field.
* Complete the Pet's Name field. * Please enter only alphabet, "-", "@", "/" and " ' " for Name Pet name cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Complete the gender field.
* Complete the date field. * Min age for {{formData['2'].petRelationship}} is 12 weeks. * Max age for {{formData['2'].petRelationship}} is 9 years.
* Complete the Micro Chipped ID field. * Please enter a valid Micro Chipped ID. * Please enter numbers only.

Personal Details

Name (as per {{step4PassportOrNric}}):

{{ formData['4'].policyHolderName }}

{{step4PassportOrNric}} No.:

{{ formData['1'].policyHolderNric }}


{{ formData['4'].policyHolderEmail }}

Mobile No.:

{{ formData['4'].policyHolderMobileNo }}


{{ fullAddress }}

Pet Details

pet's image

Type of Pet:

{{ formData['4'].petRelationship }}


{{ formData['4'].petBreedName }}

Pet's Name:

{{ formData['4'].petName }}


{{ formData['4'].petGender == 'M' ? 'Male' : 'Female' }}

Date Of Birth.:

{{ formData['3'].displayPetDateOfBirth }}

Micro Chipped ID:

{{ formData['4'].petMicroChippedId }}

Address of Pet:

{{ fullPetAddress }}

* Invalid promo code. * The promo code has already been redeemed. * The promo code is already expired. * Minimum subtotal must be more than RM100.

Banker's Details

* Please enter Referrer Staff ID. * Please enter at least 7 characters for Referrer Staff ID. * Please check the Referrer Staff OD
*Complete the Banker's Branch field.


* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed.
* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed


* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed.
* Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed.


Please note that FPX will be temporarily unavailable during these periods:

  • 01 August 2024 (Thursday) 2.30am to 3.30am

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Payment Method:


* Please select a valid bank.

Note: You need to have an active internet banking account with any of the FPX performing banks to use FPX.

Email Address: (For transaction status)

* Complete the Email field. * Please enter a valid email address.

Credit / Debit Card:

* Please select a Credit/Debit Card provider.

Select Your Preferred E-Wallet:

* Please select an e-Wallet Provider.

By clicking "Pay Now" button, you agree to FPX's Terms & Conditions.


By clicking "Pay Now" button, you agree to FPX's Terms & Conditions.


Sorry, we are unable to proceed with your application online.

Error Code: TI{{TIEErrorCode}}


If you have any enquiries, you may contact our Customer Service Hotline at:



Or contact us through our

Online Enquiry Form


Operating Hours

Monday - Friday

8.30am - 5.30pm(excluding public holidays)