Travel Claim Application

Claim Application

{{formData['1'].policyProductCategory}} Claim Application

* {{ formData['1'].invalidMessage }} * Complete the cert/policy no. field. Cert/Policy no. cannot be greater than 8 characters. Cert/Policy no. cannot be less than 8 characters. Cert/Policy no. must be in digits.

* Please note that this online claim application is only applicable for TIE user.

Personal Details

* Complete the Certificate/ Policy no. field. Certificate/ Policy no. cannot be greater than 8 characters. Certificate/ Policy no. cannot be less than 8 characters. Certificate/ Policy no. must be in digits.
* Complete the Product name field.
* Complete the Claimant name field. * Please enter only alphabet, "-", "@", "/" and " ' " for Name Claimant name cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Complete the NRIC or Passport (of Claimant) field.
* Complete the Mobile no.(of Claimant) field. * Please check mobile number.
* Complete the Email (of Claimant) field. * Please enter a valid email address.
* Complete the incident date field.
* Complete the Incident description field.

{{ formData['1'].textCounter }} characters remaining

Please choose type of incident

* Please Choose an Incident.

Incident Details

  • If illness - Claim amount more than RM500
  • If illness - Claim amount RM500 or below
  • If others
  • If injury
* Complete the field.
{{ displaySelectedIllnessPackage(formData['3'].Typeofillness) }}
  • Accidental injury
  • Food poisoning
  • Flu
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Acute gastroenteritis
  • Diarrhea
  • Sore throat
* Complete the field.
* Complete the Date field.
* Complete the Time field. * Please enter a valid time format (HH:mm).
* Complete the Incident description field.

{{ formData['1'].textCounter }} characters remaining

Travel Details

Original travel period: From

* Complete the Start Date.

Original travel period: To

* Complete the End Date.
* Complete the Travel itinerary field.

{{ formData['1'].textCounter }} characters remaining

Luggage Details

* Complete the detail of damage field.

{{ formData['1'].textCounter2 }} characters remaining

Date of purchase:

* Complete the date of purchase field.
* Complete the model/size/brand field. Cannot be greater than 70 characters.
* Complete the purchase price field.

Incident Details

{{ displaySelectedpersonalEffectsTypePackage(formData['3'].personalEffectsType) }}
  • Theft
  • Accidental Loss
  • Accidental Damage
* Complete the field.
{{ displaySelectedpersonalEffectsItemPackage(formData['3'].personalEffectsItemCondition) }}
  • Stolen
  • Loss
  • Damaged
* Complete the field.
* Complete the Date of purchase of items claimed.
* Complete the Incident date field.
* Complete the Detailed circumstances.

{{ formData['1'].textCounter }} characters remaining

Travel Details

Original travel period: From

* Complete the Start Date. Policy start date must be starting from today.

Original travel period: To

* Complete the End Date.
* Complete the Travel itinerary field.

{{formData['1'].textCounter }} characters remaining

Incident Details

{{ displaySelectedtravelDisruptionTypePackage(formData['3'].travelDisruptionType) }}
  • Cancellation
  • Curtailment
  • Delay/Missed Connection/Reroute
  • Overbooked
  • Missed Departure
* Complete the field
{{ displaySelectedtravelDiscruptionDelayYesNoPackage(formData['3'].travelDiscruptionDelayYesNo) }}
  • Yes
  • No
* Complete the field

Incident Details

{{ displaySelectedClaimPackage(formData['3'].TypeofClaim) }}
  • Money/Unauthorized use of Card
  • Travel Documents
  • Loss of Travel Deposit
  • Additional Costs of Rental Car Return
  • Loss of Use of Hotel Facilities
  • Home Proctection
  • Alternative Transport Arrangement
  • Others
* Complete the field
* Complete the Detailed circumstances.

{{ formData['1'].textCounter }} characters remaining

Upload Documents / Photos

To make a claim for Medical Expenses, please upload the following;

> Original medical receipts

> Original itemized bills

> Medical reports, Imaging reports (if available)

> Any other supporting documents (if applicable)

To make a claim for Luggage, please upload the following;

> Boarding Pass

> Original Travel Itinerary / E-ticket

> Property Irregularity Report from airlines for luggage damage/delay/loss by airlines

> Photos depicting the damage of the luggage

> A letter from Airlines confirming number of ours of delay or misdirection in delivery

> Delivery Note with date and time of delivery of luggage

> Repair quotation for luggage damage

> Detailed breakdown of items claimed

> Original purchase receipts/warranty card for items claimed

> Proof of compensation received from the airlines or other responsible party

To make a claim for Personal Effects, please upload the following;

> Photos depicting the damage of the personal effects

> Detailed breakdown of items claimed

> Original purchase receipts/warranty card for items claimed

> Police report lodged for theft

To make a claim please upload the following;

> Boarding Pass

> Airline confirmation on the duration of delay/misdirection

> A written confirmation from the airlines concerned confirming the duration of delay and its reason(s)

> Original receipts for payment of pre-paid attraction tickets

To make a claim please upload the following;

> Police report for loss/theft

> Original invoices and receipts for claims on expenses incurred on additional accommodation, travel and communication expenses, additional cost of car rental, deposit payment made

> Any other document proof from the relevant parties to support the respective claims made for the sections above

* {{uploadFileError}}
  • {{}} {{(file.size / 1024).toFixed(2)}}KB
  • Drag your files here, or click to

    * File size do not exceed 4mb. Documents format (PDF, JPG, PNG)

    * Please retain original medical bills and receipts and submit the same upon request when the claim is approved and settlement of the claim is made.

    Personal Details

    Certificate/ Policy no.:

    {{ formData['4'].policyCertNo }}

    Product name:

    {{ formData['4'].policyProductName }}

    Claimant name:

    {{ formData['4'].policyClaimantName }}

    NRIC or Passport (of Claimant):

    {{ formData['4'].policyClaimantNric }}

    Mobile no.(of Claimant):

    {{ formData['4'].policyClaimantMobileNo }}

    Email (of Claimant):

    {{ formData['4'].policyClaimantEmail }}

    Incident date:

    {{ formattedGeneralIncidentDate }}

    Incident description:

    {{ formData['2'].generalIncidentDesc }}

    Claim categroy

    Claim category:

    {{ formData['2'].typeOfIncident }}

    Claim amount:

    {{ displaySelectedContentPackage(formData['3'].claimAmount) }}

    Type of illness:

    {{ displaySelectedIllnessPackage(formData['3'].Typeofillness) }}


    {{ formattedIncidentDate }}


    {{ formData['3'].incidentTime }}

    Incident description:

    {{ formData['3'].detailedDescription }}

    Document / Photos:

    {{ }}

    Travel Details

    Original travel period: From

    {{ formattedTravelStartDate }}

    Original travel period: To

    {{ formattedTravelEndDate }}

    Travel itinerary:

    {{ formData['3'].detailedDescription }}

    Claim Details

    Claim category:

    {{ formData['2'].typeOfIncident }}

    Detail of damage:

    {{ formData['3'].luggageDamageDetails }}

    Date of purchase:

    {{ formattedLuggagePurchaseDate }}


    {{ formData['3'].luggageModelType }}

    Purchase price:

    {{ formData['3'].luggagePurchasePrice }}

    Document / Photos:

    {{ }}

    Claim Details

    Claim category:

    {{ formData['2'].typeOfIncident }}

    Type of personal effects:

    {{ displaySelectedpersonalEffectsTypePackage(formData['3'].personalEffectsType) }}

    Item(s) condition:

    {{ displaySelectedpersonalEffectsItemPackage(formData['3'].personalEffectsItemCondition) }}

    Date of purchase of item claimed:

    {{ formattedDate }}

    Purchase Price of items claimed:

    {{ formData['3'].personalEffectsItemPurchasedPrice }}

    Detailed circumstances:

    {{ formData['3'].detailedDescription }}

    Document / Photos:

    {{ }}

    Travel Details

    Original travel period: From

    {{ formattedTravelStartDate }}

    Original travel period: To

    {{ formattedTravelEndDate }}

    Travel itinerary:

    {{ formData['3'].detailedDescription }}

    Claim Details

    Claim category:

    {{ formData['2'].typeOfIncident }}

    Type of claim:

    {{ displaySelectedtravelDisruptionTypePackage(formData['3'].travelDisruptionType) }}

    Travel delay 4 hours onwards and less than 10 hours:

    {{ displaySelectedtravelDiscruptionDelayYesNoPackage(formData['3'].travelDiscruptionDelayYesNo) }}

    Document / Photos:

    {{ }}

    Claim Details

    Claim category:

    {{ displaySelectedClaimPackage(formData['3'].TypeofClaim) }}

    Detailed circumstances:

    {{ formData['3'].detailedDescription }}

    Document / Photos:

    {{ }}


    I declare that these particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

    I hereby declare that any of my personal information collected or held by you herein is provided with my consent for it to be used, processed and disclosed to individuals or organizations related to or associated with MS & AD Insurance Group (in and outside of Malaysia) including inter-departments within MSIG or any selected third party service providers such as insurance and reinsurance companies, broking firms, loss adjusting companies, claims or forensic investigations companies, law firms, credit reference companies, any service provider appointed by governing authority/association/federation of insurance companies, association or federation of insurance companies or any corporate entities or governmental and judical bodies or regulators to whom MSIG is obliged to disclose under the requirement of any law relating to MSIG or any of its affiliates or partners.

    * Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed
    * Oops, looks like you haven't ticked the box yet. Please do so to proceed

    Claim Application

    upload failure

    Sorry, we are unable to proceed with your application online.

    {{formData['1'].invalidMessage}}, please visit here to submit manually or contact our Customer Service Hotline for assistance.
    • If you have any enquiries you may contact our Customer Service Hotline at:
    • {{supportTel}} or Contact us from Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm excluding public holidays. Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 6.00 pm excluding public holidays. Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 6.15 pm excluding public holidays. Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm excluding public holidays. Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm excluding public holidays.